
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Critter Cam Update

   Our night-time critter visitations slowed down in June, but they've picked back up here in July. The skunk family seems to have moved on, we haven't seen them in the past couple of weeks. However the fox has returned and has been making regular visits again. We have a "mommy" deer visiting regularly also (she has teats), but we haven't seen her fawn(s) yet. The highlight of them all occurred on the 4th of July, when a deer and a raccoon were both feeding within view of the camera, and I'm guessing they weren't enjoying each others company. It's blurry but it appears they charged at each other. You be the judge...

Here's a "best of" collection from the past couple of weeks...

 Our regular fox


 They're getting along fine here...

 Still ok...

 "Who invited you?"

 "You'd better back off, I have thumbs and I know how to use them!"

 "Did you hear what he said to me?"

 What the heck! Patience wore off I guess...

Two bucks playing nice


  1. (she has teats) LOL!!! Love the Zombiecoon and M.M.A. (no, not Mixed Martial Arts-----Mixed Mamalian Action!).

  2. Once these images are seen, they alone will probably insure the installation of a "critter cam" just south of you; however, when you couple them with last week's dessert conversation, there is absolutely no doubt!
